The reversed image of the welcome sign was receding in my mirror when the black Lincoln reappeared, this time with its headlights off.
As quickly as it came, the image receded.
The image receded rapidly, and the screen went dark.
But the image quickly receded, faded into a related but more comforting image.
The images don't recede deeply into space but stay close to the surface, like actors near the footlights, forward and immediate.
He dimmed the monitor until the images on the screen receded into blackness.
The image of the planet receded and Tarvaras was suddenly a component of a larger system.
Ro touched the table controls and the holographic image of Sindorin receded.
The images of the road swam before him and then receded, as if, they existed at the end of a long tunnel.
Marilee's image receded from Slade without losing its infinite clarity.