Additionally, around 1000 images relating to these theatres, both historical and contemporariness, are made available on the Trust's website.
She was plonked down in front of monitors and subjected to hours of images relating to suspected and known terrorists.
Not shown before, it is a convoluted image relating to an avian alter ego that the artist called Loplop.
Choreographic images relating to the sea could be found throughout "Bounce," which Ms. Dean assembled from works created over the past three years.
Among these were bans on the use of Chinese characters and display of images relating to Chinese culture.
But it's about images relating to the game.
He chose the arm as the central image, as it is a strong image relating to heroin addiction.
Travel is the theme of the Cornell show, which among much else contains a number of images relating to French hotels and more exotic destinations.
The Prints & Photographs Division holds thousands of images relating to the Civil War, found in many different collections.
The concert presentation of the symphony also includes projected still images relating the music being performed to scenes from the films.