The movie's advertising posters feature not Nick Nolte as Jefferson, but an image of a French palace superimposed on that of a comely mulatto woman.
The Tremaines had bought "Three Flags," a triple image of 48-star American flags of different size superimposed one on another, in 1959 for $900.
It was true, the thoughts were contradictory-like two images, identical, yet superimposed over each other at right angles.
The obverse displays an image of the Queen superimposed over a seven-pointed star of flames.
The second image superimposed itself on the satellite image.
Two partial images superimposed.
Keith found the art on the walls strange and disconcerting: peanut-shaped images consisting of multiple, often distorted, views of the same object from different angles superimposed one atop the other.
Radar painted an image in his brain, superimposed it on the visuals.
And though "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot" is a fine album, it's not as good as the image this high-quality rejection has superimposed on it.
In May 2006 the cover of the newspaper featured an image of Mao Zedong superimposed on a woman's body.