What's this thing you have with imaginary animals?
Prelutsky also loved to draw imaginary animals, and a friend of his encouraged him to send it to a publisher in New York.
On their travels the two of them were accompanied by a collection of imaginary animals.
For children over 3, one model, the Snoozle, has a cover in the shape of an imaginary animal.
The lights usually assumed the form of a crown, a cross, a tree, etc., but at times also of real or imaginary animals.
These may be real or imaginary animals, or human figures.
That was when I first heard about his imaginary animals.
The one exception, I suppose, was that time in the goosehouse, the morning when he showed me his imaginary animals.
Economists generally regard predatory pricing as an imaginary animal.
In one experiment, infants are shown two imaginary animals until they become bored with the images.