Queeg unconsciously began to roll imaginary balls between the fingers of both hands.
He's, also, watching an imaginary ball 5 feet in front of the plate while all of this is going on!
The manager took a long stride and swung into an imaginary ball far in front of him.
Then he crouched over it and squared up to an imaginary ball.
Head down, eyes on an imaginary ball.
(2) Swing the club back as you would in a golf swing and then start to return to an imaginary ball.
When my da left, or even my ma, I was going to head the imaginary ball.
You could "dress" the daisy in the azalea and send her to an imaginary ball.
She throws another imaginary ball down the lane.
But even before the players began to toss an imaginary ball, the scene had the look of a Mountain Dew commercial.