Guerrillas is set in an imaginary Caribbean country, whose capital city is by the sea.
Each piece of fabric in red, green or black-and-white checks could be an imaginary country.
In a Latin America's imaginary country, a prison chief is murdered.
The real point of this imaginary country, however, is not simply to flee technology but to seek refuge from grief and trouble.
It soon becomes clear that this imaginary country has two major characteristics.
The setting is Islandia, an imaginary country set in the real world of that time.
We also never know who the revolutionists are, what the revolution is about or where (some imaginary country?)
The four children invented imaginary countries and characters and threw themselves fiercely into it.
The eyes of the idoru, envoy of some imaginary country, met his.
But one other imaginary country that I acquired early in life was called America.