He had displaced the fear and shifted it to a nameless imaginary entity which you conveniently named for him.
It was more difficult to believe in the effluvia of imaginary entities, like the constellations.
The correspondence theory appeals to imaginary undefined entities, so it is incoherent.
This imaginary entity has fascinated scholars.
This imaginary entity has puzzled scholars.
Yanmeng was well known in Japan through Chinese classics and would become the source of the imaginary entity in Japan's northern frontier.
I'm an atheist, so appeal to imaginary entities doesn't really wash with me.
While creating imaginary entities is a tried-and-true protest technique, its application in this specific case is brilliant.
The subject of an image need not be real; it may be an abstract concept, such as a graph, function, or "imaginary" entity.
To shift liability, they create an imaginary entity called a corporation, which bears the responsibility for any action that might be brought against them in their business capacity.