Unfortunately we do not have the imaginary letters which he dictates constantly to himself but never sends.
From prison, Estienne casts his narrative as an imaginary letter directed to an escaped slave who cannot read.
I then wrote an imaginary letter and bared my very soul to you.
Tonight Josephine is a book of amusing imaginary letters written by historical figures.
In an imaginary letter addressed "Dear George," President Bush comes off somewhat better than his predecessor.
The imaginary letters bring everyday news, but this is 1672, perhaps Holland's most cataclysmic year.
Heroides, as 'héroïdes', imaginary poetic letters by famous people.
The imaginary letter continued: "Yes, I know that at home you all hate the Japanese, and there is much to make you feel that way.
His cleverest piece of work was a series of imaginary letters, supposed to have been written by the second, or "wicked" Lord Lyttelton.
Herzog, trying to account for his private shamings by an adulterous wife, writes imaginary letters to public figures about humankind's parlous state.