That way they can take the next exit to escape from their imaginary scenarios.
But I suspect that Bach's imaginary scenario of how such a mess came to pass is probably off the mark.
For those at the extreme, fantasies are so compelling that they set aside special times just to immerse themselves in imaginary scenarios.
If we want an imaginary contemporary scenario based on the archaeological evidence, it is easy enough to paint.
Participants work through imaginary scenarios using visual three-dimensional Lego constructions, hence the name "serious play".
Participants work through imaginary scenarios using visual three-dimensional Lego constructions, imaginatively exploring possibilities in a serious form of play.
It celebrated Christmas from their perspective, a reality where none of the intended guests turned up, and imaginary scenarios where the worst possible guests did.
Her mind was miles away, focused on imaginary scenarios being played out between Piers and Nicole.
In this imaginary scenario, I've been lucky enough to get a mailing list of some of the country's top plastic surgeons.
She also said the police had asked her to compose an imaginary scenario, asking her what might have happened if she had been there.