He stages an imaginary scene of the three women standing together, still as statues, while he walks around them, trying to decipher their relationship.
Dark blue sea and the pink sand make it some imaginary scene.
Nothing could be more lively than the impression which I received of this imaginary scene.
Both of these points suggest that the print depicts either an imaginary scene or an unrecorded event from 1821.
They defied the custom of indoor easels and imaginary scenes.
The furnishings are real, but the setting evokes an imaginary scene the way a doll house does.
In the survey, imaginary scenes were described to viewers, to find how they would react to seeing them.
My mind had become so completely possessed by the imaginary scenes and characters connected with it, that I seemed to be actually living among them.
Gesturing - Pointing or gesturing to show the audience where objects are in the imaginary scene.
In the imaginary scene, one son says, "You always wanted us to be the best.