It's hard to imagine circumstances that will require deploying a larger force over a longer distance in a shorter time.
"If the ball is ever worth a lot of money, I can't imagine circumstances when it will ever be worth more," he purred.
Can you imagine circumstances in which you'd kill again?
It is hard to imagine circumstances in the 1990s in which they will have no significance.
Indeed it is possible to imagine circumstances in which not only are regional disparities not reduced, but they are further extended.
He couldn't imagine circumstances in which he'd be flattered by attention from that particular quarter.
It is possible to imagine circumstances under which the warfare might resume someday, but that prospect appears unlikely.
And it is not hard to imagine circumstances under which, a decade or two hence, he might represent the future of the country as well.
But it is at least possible to imagine circumstances in which a ruling or decision of the panel might give rise to legitimate complaint.
Investigators could not imagine circumstances in which a responsible tradesman would take these actions.