Photoemission Electron Microscope (PEEM) is a parallel imaging instrument.
Unlike its twin Suisei, it carried no imaging instruments in its instrument payload.
ACS is a highly versatile instrument that became the primary imaging instrument aboard HST.
During those flights, Pathfinder carried two lightweight imaging instruments to learn more about the island's terrestrial and coastal ecosystems, demonstrating the potential of such aircraft as platforms for scientific research.
It would carry two advanced imaging instruments, called hyperspectral imaging radiometers, that would split light reflected from Earth's surface into hundreds of spectral bandwidths or colors.
Lacrosse uses Synthetic Aperture Radar as its prime imaging instrument.
The development of an imaging agent involves synthesizing the agent to target a particular tumor or process, after which the imaging instruments can be adjusted to neutralize the target.
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, which allows your doctor to look at the interior lining of your esophagus, stomach, and duodenum with a thin, flexible imaging instrument called an endoscope.
Common imaging instruments are:
A photoemission electron microscope is a parallel imaging instrument.