Mr. North's close friends go beyond saying he is simply "imbued" with a desire to work with youth as a result of his Washington experience.
On the contrary, he was imbued with a simple desire to have his aircrews like and respect him with the same intense feeling that he had for them.
The worst had been those hard-shelled flying black beetles which seemed to be imbued with a desire to attack anybody or anything that moved, homing in like miniature spitfires.
All of which had happened to me through a series of innocent misunderstandings, but which nonetheless imbued me with a pretty strong desire to take my leave of Delhi until everyone calmed down and was willing to listen to reason.
IMBUED with a desire "to get involved," Mr. Thompson said, he won a nonpartisan election for mayor in April 2000 and began to tackle a $31 million debt and some bureaucratic flabbiness.
They are full of faults, such as greediness and vanity, and Mrs. Mason, through stories, real-world demonstrations, and her own example, cures the girls of most of their moral failings and imbues them with a desire to be virtuous.
I summoned my courage and called out, "Having you hang around just outside the perimeter doesn't exactly imbue me with a great desire to go exploring!"
Imbued with a desire to rule Middledale, stirred by envy of the Denwood family, Albot had planned a cunning campaign to reach his objective.
Never were two boys more elated, more enthusiastic, more imbued with a desire to shout and dance; but they did nothing of the sort.
Imbued with this thought as well as a desire to be near his father and learn more of what the whites intended for Geronimo, the youth made his lonely way toward San Carlos.