Another type of imitative styles concerns the state of the practitioner.
Is this imitative style a game between the two men or are there forgeries even here?
Other vocal imitative styles may have had some influence on the development of hip-hop, although this idea is difficult to prove.
During the late 17th century, a 'voluntary' was typically written in a fugal or imitative style, often with different sections.
Clereau wrote his masses in an imitative style.
The bland, jokey, or wholly imitative style of much British rock and roll in this period meant that the American product remained dominant.
He wrote (and published) several books of masses and motets which are in the typical imitative polyphonic style of the time.
Fugue: usually, three- or four-voice polyphonic pieces that adhere more or less strictly to the imitative style.
Orthodoxy, of whatever color, seems to demand a lifeless, imitative style.
Partly that is because their imitative Western style hurts them.