He looked like hell, too, and far from his usual immaculate appearance.
He did this unhurriedly and she had time to note that he was quite collected in manner, and, despite the early hour, presented an immaculate appearance.
His kindness, intelligence, and immaculate appearance made it easy to do the pleasing.
Due to its immaculate velvety black appearance and its remarkable high gloss, it was preferred by artisans across Europe.
He was dressed in evening clothes, and presented an immaculate appearance.
That was necessary, for the immaculate appearance of Lamont Cranston was badly wrecked.
On her arm was a small purse of scuffed black leather, at odds with the rest of her immaculate appearance.
Yukino Miyazawa is a Japanese high school freshman who is the envy of classmates for her good grades and immaculate appearance.
He bent his head, delicately preening his sleek black feathers, as though to contrast his immaculate appearance with my own dishevelment.
Her previously immaculate appearance became unkempt.