Wearing an immaculate white uniform, he takes my briefcase.
In spite of his immaculate uniform, he had a rumpled, just-got-out-of-bed air about him.
He looked, in his immaculate uniform, like a recruiting poster.
Dressed in an immaculate uniform, Lee waited for Grant to arrive.
The customs official had carefully slicked-back hair and an immaculate uniform.
After the first week Chae stopped trying to find fault when they turned out in immaculate uniforms each morning.
Coffee and soft drinks were served by Jolly's staff, four young men dressed in their usual immaculate white uniforms.
The blood was flowing beneath the once immaculate uniform.
Pershing's normally immaculate uniform was covered in soot and dirt.
A tall man appeared in an immaculate uniform, gesturing for the drawbridge to be kept clear.