She led me into the immaculately kept one room apartment.
The temperature was over a hundred degrees inside her small but immaculately kept home.
Like the house, it was neat, friendly and immaculately kept.
The tomb's position was clearly among the more ancient in the city, yet the place was immaculately kept.
These summer cottages, once immaculately kept, have fallen into disrepair.
The house was immaculately kept, smelling of citrus oil and beeswax.
Next came an immaculately kept ground-floor place, their favorite of all, on East 80th Street, for $1,600.
The farm was old but immaculately kept, the fields covered with the finest green dusting of some early crop.
The batteries of cannons behind the king were immaculately kept, and ammunition was in plentiful supply.
For starters, the many elaborate and colorful private and public gardens are immaculately kept.