Eccleston wrote that after Agnellus' death, his body was immaculately maintained and perfectly preserved.
Falkland houses are renowned for being brightly painted with immaculately maintained gardens, older houses frequently have intricately carved wooden fascia boards.
It has streets of immaculately maintained one-family homes clustered in small, wooded neighborhoods.
The municipal swimming pool is Olympic size and is immaculately maintained.
It was immaculately maintained.
The building and the park is immaculately maintained.
Although all of these were second-hand, they were immaculately maintained.
Everything functioned to a high standard and we made use of our little patio in the morning to catch the early rays across the immaculately maintained grounds.
Alice glanced at her own hands, small, neat, the nails immaculately well maintained, and covered with a transparent varnish to protect them from the world.
Others are drawn to the small village of Montgomery, a tidy settlement bordering the Wallkill River, with many immaculately maintained 18th- and 19th-century houses.