And he had already caused the shattering of Revelstone's gates, already brought immeasurable damage into the Keep.
Britain regarded Thailand as having been partly responsible for the immeasurable damage dealt upon the Allied cause and favoured treating the kingdom as a defeated enemy.
It should give particular scrutiny to the treaty's proposed offspring, the World Trade Organization, which could cause immeasurable damage to American diplomacy for years to come.
There have been no nuclear explosions above ground since 1963, but radioactivity remains and almost immeasurable damage has been done to the health of the islanders.
On August 27, 1893, a Category 3 hurricane slammed into the Lowcountry, killing over 2,000 area residents and causing immeasurable damage.
"But he has done immeasurable damage, perhaps because he knows so much."
Rose had done immeasurable damage while she lived.
Floods caused immeasurable damage elsewhere and fires also plagued the settlers of Fresno County.
Far more serious, this important program is suffering immeasurable damage from unrelenting assaults upon it by the people charged with carrying out its mission.
The scrapping of the Supreme Court did immeasurable damage to the separation of power systems within Pakistan.