Then, from an immeasurable distance behind the wall, came four letters of extraordinary force, too powerful to be looked at directly.
He gave her breathing space, and somehow, that had become an immeasurable distance.
Jamie was close enough to touch, and yet it was as though he stood an immeasurable distance away.
It seemed to be sucked away into immeasurable distances.
The Voice faded, as if withdrawing down a long, immeasurable distance.
The wall, inside which he had thought himself, as suddenly leaped back before him to an immeasurable distance.
The single word, like a faint sigh in his mind, made Danny think of immeasurable distances.
Then it was that I heard, at a distance immeasurable, the sound of falling water.
Tears welled suddenly from eyes that stared without hope across an immeasurable distance.
"No." His gaze slipped past her into an immeasurable distance.