True to his expectations, the day had already become immeasurably worse.
Empire has taken this flawed system and made it immeasurably worse.
"It would," Frad took up, "make matters immeasurably worse, were you seen to be championed by a Scout."
Looting after the American-led invasion made matters immeasurably worse.
Our position today is immeasurably worse.
But the Bush administration's erratic and often inept diplomacy has made matters immeasurably worse.
The first Dress Rehearsal wasn't, all things considered, as bad as Galloway had anticipated: it was immeasurably worse.
The violence is immeasurably worse if the pregnancy is unwanted.
If someone had given her ten years to think about it, she couldn't possibly have come up with something better calculated to make everything immeasurably worse.
The current war has made a difficult situation immeasurably worse.