Mr. English also made the point that this immediate availability of what was originally such a pricey item is taking the "glamour" out of the business.
They can produce these solutions with the speed, recall and immediate availability that only a computer can provide.
Because severe cystic acne has the potential to cause permanent scarring over a short period, restrictions on its more immediate availability have proved contentious.
Nvidia announced immediate availability of the GeForce 7600 series on March 9, 2006.
Alomar's jammed ring finger left the immediate availability of the Orioles' second baseman unknown.
Interrupts are sent between processors when necessary to ensure immediate availability.
Sometimes they become attracted to human communities because of the immediate availability of food.
This system allows a continuous update of the ontology with immediate availability and suppress merging problems.
Indeed, Infolink has recently introduced Reportline, a document-ordering service to supplement the immediate availability of online commercial information.
The magnitude and the immediate availability of the sum bewildered all who thought on the topic.