There was an immediate negative backlash by companies and individuals who had been using Rapleaf to both manage reputations and investigate the authenticity of people.
The announcement brought an immediate backlash from some prominent AIDS researchers who believed that too much was being made of a single case.
Astro's terrible attitude triggered an immediate public backlash, transforming him from the kid to beat to the contestant to hate.
The accord was extremely unpopular in China, and provoked an immediate backlash.
These proposals led to an immediate backlash from France.
Johnson's comments provoked immediate backlash from the open-wheel community, but he stood by them on Twitter.
After an immediate backlash, 2K Sports distanced itself from the commercial.
Her comments resonated with some older white women, but generated an immediate backlash elsewhere.
Neither shied away from the attention, although Qureshi endured an immediate backlash.
But the travel provisions generated an immediate backlash.