It was an immediate best-seller, selling 60,000 copies in its first year and totalling nearly two million up to 1868.
It also won the Prix Femina in 1934 and became an immediate best-seller.
An immediate best-seller, Citadel soon became one of the most influential books ever written about the Senate.
The novel was an immediate best-seller, and Harper's career moved quickly forward.
It was an immediate best-seller and was made into a movie of the same name two years later.
On 1 November he finally published the Reflections and it was an immediate best-seller.
The letters were a real find and James went on to publish two volumes of them; they became immediate best-sellers.
When the book was published in 1962, it became an immediate best-seller and three years later, it was adapted for film.
It was an immediate best-seller and was translated into six languages.
The books describe western culture and institutions in simple, easy to understand terms, and they became immediate best-sellers.