Winslow was expected to give the Cleveland offense an immediate boost.
The Nets won just 26 games last season, and they seem to understand the immediate boost he gives them.
The announcement last month of their return gave ticket sales an immediate boost.
Lubick's 14th season got an immediate boost with the return of Bell.
The announcement of the bond sale yesterday gave an immediate boost to Brazilian foreign debt, with many issues rallying.
The House-passed budget includes this kind of tax reform, which many agree would provide an immediate boost to the economy.
In fact, Bandai has received one immediate financial boost from Tamagotchi.
The biggest immediate boost to UK growth would be the resolution of the eurozone crisis, he said.
The plan got an immediate boost from the United States.
But we can't count on reform to provide an immediate boost to the economy; trust, once lost, cannot be restored in a moment.