Though Major fell two votes short of the required winning margin in the second ballot, his margin was large enough to secure immediate concessions from his rivals.
As drafted, the plan calls for immediate concessions from both sides, beginning in its first phase.
The Congress also rejected the Cripps plan, demanding immediate concessions which Cripps was not prepared to give.
But the President is also expected to demand immediate concessions on complex, and relatively marginal, "market-opening" issues that would be better resolved at the negotiating table.
Businesses will enjoy some immediate concessions on ACT and business rates.
Compared with the present draft of the road map, Mr. Bush's speech demanded far more immediate concessions from the Palestinians than from the Israelis.
Mr. Bush offered no immediate concessions, saying his purpose in coming had been to "listen" to the Canadians and to offer an American view.
As drafted, the plan called for immediate concessions by both sides, including insisting that Israel dismantle settlement outposts built since March 2001.
Meanwhile, he wrote, his son had come to them to make whatever immediate concessions might be practicable the rest must be reserved for the Senate.
Such an arrangement would get the P.L.O. into the diplomatic process but without requiring any more immediate concessions on its part.