Yet the possibility of an Iraqi strike is high enough to require immediate consultations among the allies on whether, when and how to use force.
But the allies would pledge to open immediate consultation with any country in the partnership that felt its security was threatened, he said.
The communication time lag to Earth did not allow immediate consultation with higher authority.
Jora'h's father summoned him for an immediate consultation, but he took the time to compose himself.
What is needed is an immediate consultation on the proposals, followed by a decision.
Thank you, your Lordship, I will hold immediate consultation with my clients.
He promised "immediate consultations" within two weeks with interested parties.
An immediate surgical consultation was sought and the patient was managed jointly with the surgical team.
Coming from the phlegmatic Marris, "earliest convenience" was practically a shouted plea for immediate consultation.
A part-time doctor would provide immediate consultation for hostel students.