It gave them immediate credibility.
Every piece of data, and every paper, it touches loses immediate credibility.
Riley cares only about the immediate credibility Mourning provides the Heat, all for the manageable sum of between $13 and $15 million a year.
I opted to utilize the company's equity in other arenas in order to lend immediate credibility to our cause.
But Mr. Corzine, with his background in the business world, gave the idea immediate credibility.
Describing Bradley, school executive director Ken Allen said, "Shawn has a great presence-due to his size-and has immediate credibility with the kids.
Bradley was perceived as a "Great American Doctor" and had immediate credibility among the people of Siam.
The proffer states that he hoped the passports would give the organization he worked for "immediate credibility."
Sarandrea said he would give Pitt, coached by Paul Evans, "some immediate credibility in the New York area," where the Panthers have not recruited well.
We had immediate credibility in any community.