The immediate foreground was all tussocks of grass and heather, inviting his legs to action.
In the immediate foreground was the back half of the hay mower.
When one disregarded the immediate foreground, the prospect was the very negation of mystery.
However, his presence in the immediate foreground is what the viewers notice first.
The screen showed a distant pattern of normal star movement; but in the immediate foreground, there were no stars.
Harlan's eyes left the immediate foreground and scanned the space above the Councilmen's heads.
Before us in the immediate foreground is a bluff covered with dry branches, twigs and dead leaves.
Two men, in the immediate foreground, lay upon the bearskin which was their bed.
In the Middle East one need look at only the immediate foreground to see daunting problems.
In the immediate foreground of his narrow line of vision was a large, heavily carpeted room.