Eventually, feeling an immediate visceral inspiration during their sessions together, the two collaborated and began work in 2003, which would lead to Roseland.
Fascinated throughout his career by the qualities of youth, he took his immediate inspiration from two serendipitous sightings involving young dancers.
The Exercises were designed to enable one to make that choice with objectivity and freedom of spirit and under the most immediate inspiration of God.
What I remember is, that I sat down under your immediate inspiration and wrote an answer in every way worthy.
Such a watch is the Bulgari Aluminium, the immediate inspiration for the Vizon's instruments.
The story was written in 1904, during the Russo-Japanese War, which was its immediate inspiration.
Her immediate inspiration was a song written several years before.
Naturally the poems he likes best are those that derive from immediate inspiration: "Something breathes - exhalation."
At Eastville he became an immediate inspiration to a young, developing Rovers team.
This allows for a spiritually pure source of immediate inspiration to be the only guide in the filmmaking process.