Garibaldi was unwilling to stop at this point, and planned an immediate invasion of the Papal States.
As such, humanity was spared immediate invasion, and The Syndicate began negotiations with the Colonists.
The reports strengthen our conviction that whatever threat Iraq posed did not require an immediate invasion without international support.
Syria shared these views, although it did not prepare for an immediate invasion.
Lucullus was astonished upon hearing this in the year 70, and he began to prepare for an immediate invasion of Armenia.
The goblins, hearing no more noise in that quarter, had ceased to apprehend an immediate invasion, and kept no watch.
Well, if the Klingon fleet was on the move, that could mean immediate invasion, or a trick of some kind.
The Yuan force, which may have intended to carry out a reconnaissance in force rather than an immediate invasion, returned to their ships.
This victory postponed any immediate invasion of Mongolia by Ming China for more than three years.
Rice urged an immediate invasion, and returned to Ireland with James in the following March.