Prepare the ship for immediate launch to orbit once you've picked us up.
The Titans were fully configured for immediate launch in a matter of two minutes.
Get Major Marel, and order an immediate launch of every fighting vessel we have.
Ready VF-97 and the rest of VF-95 for immediate launch.
Now, what I want is an immediate launch of those fighters.
"Primed and ready for immediate launch," Stormbel replied in a monotone.
Apotex has negotiated only to remove barriers to immediate launch.
I'd expect that Ivan has another of his radar satellites ready for immediate launch, probably a few more in the barn.
The Alliance nations made an immediate retaliatory launch of missiles, bombers, and satellite-based weapons.
Richard sent me to tell you he'd be pleased if we all returned to the Mercury right away, and began preparing for an immediate launch.