He has also sought an immediate moratorium in the United States, but the senior Administration official said that not being considered.
But the House also put an immediate moratorium on new federal construction in the city.
Earlier this month, 700 residents signed a petition asking town officials to impose an immediate moratorium on all building permits.
It follows that this House's call for an immediate moratorium on the production and use of cluster bombs is extraordinarily important.
Further to this, we must continue to exert pressure on China to abolish the death penalty and place an immediate moratorium on capital punishment.
There is every reason for an immediate moratorium.
The first step should be to introduce an immediate moratorium on the use of these weapons.
We are calling for an immediate moratorium on using, producing, stockpiling and exporting these weapons.
It supports its abolition and the need for an immediate moratorium on executions where the death penalty still applies.