Under the new law, doctors who perform the procedure would face a penalty of $25,000 and immediate revocation of their licenses.
Failure to pass any of these checks at any stage, means an automatic and immediate revocation of the issued license.
All licenses were subject to immediate revocation by the city without requiring advance notice.
Here's an idea: bad-faith takedown requests should be punishable by immediate revocation of copyright protections for work(s) in question.
Dots are assessed to a driver's license for traffic violations which do not by themselves result in immediate revocation of the license.
The judge ordered an immediate revocation of the club's liquor license.
Any breach by anyone involved in the operation would mean death for the offender and the immediate revocation of his family's Thai residence permits.
Using that evidence and the judge's relationship to the accused, the PA has filed for immediate revocation of bond.
Some members of Congress criticized the President's decision, saying they preferred immediate revocation of China's favored status.
She called for immediate revocation of the tax abatement, whose worth she estimated at $56 million, and said she would convene hearings on the issue.