There is something heroic about a politician who seems to act against his immediate self-interest.
This is not to suggest that living a life of duty entirely precludes a life of leisure; however, its fulfillment generally involves some sacrifice of immediate self-interest.
They give some of their time to a cause which is for the larger good and outside of their immediate self-interest.
Speaking to an audience of students organized by the university's College Democrats club, Mrs. Clinton said they must look beyond their immediate self-interest.
An individual may have to sacrifice his immediate self-interest for the purpose of a positive relationship to a group of individuals to which he relates.
Certainly most Americans do not support higher wages out of immediate self-interest.
The Kochs have gone well beyond their immediate self-interest, however, funding organizations that aim to push the country in a libertarian direction.
Perhaps the alliance's biggest problem is its own nature as a collection of warlords, many of them tough, uncompromising men with little vision beyond their own immediate self-interest.
Jews certainly got involved in the civil rights struggle and it was not in their immediate self-interest either.
I have gathered that it is applied to a person who adheres to rules of behavior that force him to act in ways that oppose his immediate self-interest.