This slowdown was not due to an immediate shortage of artillery shells, but rather to a desire to conserve ammunition.
As for food, most experts agree that Iraq is not facing any immediate shortage yet and will not face them for a few months at least.
But assuming that the immediate shortage could be solved, the real question is: Why would someone want to become a nurse in the first place?
Europe's reserves would also prevent any immediate shortages there.
"There are, of course, significant challenges to overcome, specifically with the immediate shortage of computer science teachers."
"The result there was immediate shortages of goods and a black market, where inflation raged," Mr. Sachs said.
This immediate post-war shortage ushered in what may be identified as the first phase of the emergence of headhunting.
But United does not face an immediate shortage of financing.
I will also authorize a joint public-private medical-assistance effort to help the Soviet Union cope with immediate shortages of pharmaceuticals and basic medical supplies.
Should the stores file for bankruptcy protection, they would remain open, with no immediate shortage of merchandise.