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He and his young colleagues took part in the June protests, much to the dismay of their immediate superiors.
The outcome of the operations had left Benbow in a tense relationship with his immediate superiors.
He has to support Arthur's blunders, specially against his immediate superiors.
Their immediate superiors are described as 'area supervisors' or 'area men'.
But only to his immediate superiors and I gather hes pretty superior himself.
I want you to answer my questions with complete frankness and without worrying about any repercussions from your immediate superiors.
For the most part, a Legion captain is expected to avoid attracting the notice of 'anyone other than his immediate superiors.
He'd demanded to be heard, and been turned down by his immediate superiors.
The regional directors are the immediate superiors of elementary and high school principals.
Voting for your immediate superiors usually strikes outsiders as the most bizarre of our business practices.