Some battle or other crawled behind them, a fitting backdrop to the more immediate violence before them.
That end of town was silent with the silence that bubbles around immediate, terrible violence.
Brother and sister, by resorting to immediate violence, had cut through my dilemma.
Contrary to what one sees on television, detectives rarely find themselves in situations where immediate physical violence is threatened.
Another limit on the press concerns speech designed to incite immediate violence or unlawful activity.
Moreover, surely a threat of immediate violence to a blind person should be an assault.
The new rule limits offensive speech only if it is made face to face and in a way that would likely provoke immediate violence.
Initially regulations under the Act were used mostly to curb immediate violence and disorder.
It is not absolute; direct advocacy of immediate violence can be a crime.
Development and security are linked more closely than ever, and the threat these illicit weapons present goes beyond the immediate violence they cause.