There was a stairway handy, leading up to a half-story above and Harry immediately ascended it.
Kurn gave the order, and two soldiers immediately ascended to the office level and moved in to grab Ataan's arms in an immobilizing grip.
When the necessary time comes, the said heir shall immediately ascend the throne to succeed the late king in accordance with the latter's wish.
His lieutenant governor, Gabriel Slaughter, ascended to the governorship and immediately made two very unpopular appointments.
A typical theory is as follows: partial melting of the mantle generates a basaltic magma, which does not immediately ascend into the crust.
Options are available to ascend to the sacred lake immediately above the camp.
The young lady walked ashore to the top of the Barra Hill where, in a glowing aura of light and fragrance; she ascended into heaven immediately.
The fact that the diver cannot immediately ascend to breathe from the atmosphere at the surface makes this type of diving much more risky than open-water diving.
"We must ascend immediately at least five hundred meters."
Neb and Pencroft immediately ascended to Granite House and brought back a sufficient quantity of ammunition.