He nodded and was immediately beset by conflicting emotions-amusement because everyone had assumed the obvious and annoyance because, having achieved so much more that day, he was now reduced to apprentice level.
Not surprisingly, problems immediately beset the convoy, setting off a chain of errors.
The state was immediately beset with a disaster as the Great Flood of 1937 began.
The house was immediately beset and searched, but there were witnesses enough that the gentlemen had been gone over three hours.
Mirage and Magik are immediately beset by guards but rescued by Ashake, who reveals herself to be the grandmother of Ororo Munroe, alias Storm, though many generations removed.
They were beset immediately, and died with startled expres- sions, their heat guns still in their holsters.
Plutarch maintains that Antyllius had rudely pushed his way through the crowd and gave an indecent gesture and was immediately beset upon by Gracchan supporters much to the disapproval of Gaius.
Ashur-etil-ilani came to the throne in 626 BC, and was immediately beset by a series of internal civil wars.
President Quezón was re-elected in November 1941, but his presidency was immediately beset with crisis when Japan invaded the Philippines in the following month.
Having arrived there, we were immediately beset by the usual crowd of beggars and donkey boys, but withstanding their importunities, we turned into the Rue de Commerce and made our way inland.