Kelley had emerged from the utility room and was immediately besieged by the people he'd been speaking with earlier.
Simon de Montfort immediately besieged the city once more.
While the enemy vanguard reached the outskirt of the city, the small detachment was immediately besieged.
Yorka was immediately besieged by Ferengi, and he gritted his teeth.
This reduced Brown's force to 140 men, and the enemy force immediately besieged Kahun.
The Spanish entered the town of Kinsale with 3,000 troops and were immediately besieged by the English.
Mountjoy immediately besieged them with 7000 men.
Ken had landed at the tiny Jerusalem Airport north of the city, and well-wishers immediately besieged the plane.
He was followed along the route by thunderous applause and was immediately besieged by photographers.
Gotofredo was immediately besieged in his castle.