But who said that art should be immediately comprehensible?
Concluding that the repertory he and his colleagues were playing - music of the European avant-garde - was not immediately comprehensible, he determined to write music that would be.
In the exhibition context, souvenirs of the outside world function as a form of visual comfort food: immediately comprehensible and easier to digest.
Because the camera is a surrogate eye, what it captures is immediately comprehensible, even if it is nothing we have seen before.
Robbins's basic comic points are immediately comprehensible.
Beyond lay more tunnels, opening before them and closing after them, and more chambers studded with various shapes, none of them immediately comprehensible to the human mind.
This is a book in which every character has a story to tell, none of them immediately comprehensible.
The reason he had not understood the Jet original was that the modern language was not immediately comprehensible either to him or to the Ancient equipment.
Eurogamer's hands-on preview from the game's closed beta test reported that "Shattered Horizon is intuitively playable and immediately comprehensible".
But much of "The Summit" is dialogue of a sort, and though the sounds are gibberish, the underlying messages are immediately comprehensible.