This was a military trial, under military law, on charges recommended by a formal board of inquiry convened immediately after the battle.
The cabinet immediately convened and unanimously ratified the emperor's wishes.
If you defy it, I will immediately convene a court martial.
If the monarch were to die and Parliament was not at that time sitting, then it would immediately convene.
Most of the city's culinary razzmatazz is in the great night market that convenes immediately to the south of the train station.
I immediately convened all of the chief financial officers in baseball and broke them up into committees.
The Giants returned to the ballpark at 10:30 a.m. and immediately convened a team meeting.
Deadlocked, the UN is convening immediately to analyze the situation and discuss the possibility of sanctions against China.
In line with this he immediately convened a synod where he laid out the methods of reform for both the clergy and the laity.
The Grand Council immediately convened and went into uproar.