Listen to text copied to the Windows Clipboard immediately.
But the Hams immediately copied her, making a sound like a car ramming a tree.
Whatever Nasreddin did, his followers immediately copied.
Esther immediately copied her and Zerah laughed.
I immediately copied over all the data.
Following the British government's decision in June 1972, some countries immediately copied the British government, and others did so over the next few months.
A child generates a rhythmic pattern (he cannot be wrong as the pattern is his own) which I immediately copy.
Miranda immediately copied her, yawning delicately, showing her tiny white teeth, and patting her mouth as she did so, just like Diana.
Obelerio immediately copied his predecessors and appointed as associate doge one of his relatives, his brother Beato.
Still, they immediately copied the idea and ordered the actors Mr. Chen had worked with to participate.