Instead, ignoring the fate of some 300 civilians caught in the fray, the army immediately counterattacked.
Napoleon immediately counterattacked, trying to cut the Russian communications line that ran to the northeast.
However, the enemy immediately counterattacked with numerically superior numbers supported by tanks and artillery.
The Germans did not miss this opportunity and immediately counterattacked with a 165-strong force, using Norwegian civilians as a human shields.
Karen Hughes, Bush's communications adviser, immediately counterattacked by publicly pointing out that Bruni himself was taking a few days off.
German forces immediately counterattacked at Verrières Village, but were beaten back.
By targeting God Kings and relentlessly counterattacking in the confusion immediately following their deaths they long delayed the inevitable.
With 7 e5, he immediately counterattacked the White center, and after 8 d5 Bc5, Black's bishop had found a useful diagonal.
Broglie immediately counterattacked with more fresh regiments that he had fed in from his reserve, disordering the allies and driving them back once more.
Counterattacked immediately at 17:00, together with the 21st Panzer Division, they halted the British offensive on the left front.