Along those stairs pictographs were visible, even from this dis-tance-and Sebastian immediately deduced that the characters were neither Egyptian nor pre-Colombian yet seemed vaguely reminiscent of both.
The next morning, House immediately deduces what has happened.
He deduced immediately where he must go to make his first check.
By comparing the elements on sphere and projection we can immediately deduce expressions for the scale factors on parallels and meridians.
Realizing the imminent danger, Bruce immediately deduces "Alucard" is Dracula.
Elena immediately deduced that Alaric Saltzman's eyes were hazel.
When Kyle finds out about Cartman's "disorder", he immediately deduces that he is faking, which Cartman quickly admits to him.
From its extremely short orbital period of barely eight seconds, I immediately deduced the nature of this neutron-star pair.
"The only trouble was, they immediately deduced the corollary: One less man, one less vote."
We can immediately deduce, from premise (4), that L and M are cut.