Last month, virtually all the money stolen from one armored car holdup was recovered because the robber immediately deposited millions of cruzeiros in money market accounts.
At a bank there, the executive cashed the check, got a cashier's check and immediately deposited it in a Leslie Fay account.
If I had been credited with my deposits, I would have exceeded my next month's pay one time, three years ago, by $240, three years ago for one day, and I immediately deposited $5,000.
Sarah immediately deposited baby Nisi in Kyu's arms.
In Nassau, the backlog has kept the county from immediately depositing mortgage taxes and fees that are often sent in with the documents.
For one or two days, the Fed holds securities from dealers, who in turn get funds that they can deposit immediately in banks, increasing the amount of money available for lending.
A bank account that offers only simple interest, that money can freely be withdrawn from is unlikely, since withdrawing money and immediately depositing it again would be advantageous.
A person or company receiving an electronic check could immediately deposit it in a bank, also via electronic mail.
Greece is the eternal sieve, through which the assaults of the East on the West, and of the West on the East, must pass and immediately deposit their residue.