Something dark, the nature of which he could not immediately discern.
But Sterling immediately discerned the subtle signs.
Here again, she discerned immediately, was a type of the new farmer.
As soon as she said this, David immediately discerned the pattern.
Picking up a fragment of ash, The Shadow immediately discerned its composition.
Although the benefits of using gas at this altitude-24,000 feet-were genuine, they were hard to discern immediately.
For some reason he could not immediately discern, Drizzt was not as surprised as he should have been.
Danica slipped into the barn, discerned immediately what was going on, and fired a quarrel into the firbolg's belly.
He entered just in time to hear the last of what Selar had said, and immediately discerned what had occurred.
Sgt. Elias Nikas, a police spokesman, said it was impossible to immediately discern the dead man's age or race.