When the Germans finally imposed peace, the population did not immediately disperse, but slowly, over a fifty-year period, the modern pattern of scattered settlements emerged.
A storm immediately dispersed the seasick reindeer, and though there was indeed plentv of moss, it turned out to be the wrong variety.
"First time we get hit, survivors disperse immediately!"
Then he passed on through a doorway with Fou-tan; and when the door closed behind them, most of the party immediately dispersed.
The fact that we aren't dispersing immediately makes him leery.
The men immediately dispersed to carry out Kor's instructions.
When attempts are made to stop activists and those activists open fire, Israel immediately disperses its version of events.
When an end-of-the-march assembly failed to disperse immediately, 500 policemen waded in with clubs.
The blob of ink initially hangs together and does not disperse immediately.
The resulting metal powder will immediately disperse after knocking out the door lock, and cause little or no damage to occupants of the room.