Though the name would not be made official for several months, newspaper accounts immediately dubbed the new entity the "Big 12".
Josh had immediately dubbed the first type "eyes" and the second type "pirates."
When Mack was informed of the anomaly, he immediately dubbed it, "a slowly varying constant."
The popular press immediately dubbed these seven men and women the High Priests of Squeeze.
An occasional below-the-knees style is seen on the runway and immediately dubbed dowdy.
Immediately dubbed a supergroup, the band asked fans to suggest a name and settled on Axiom.
They promised still another referendum (a neverendum, as some English Canadians immediately dubbed the process) in the not too distant future.
The policy was immediately dubbed "soft re-nationalisation" and criticized for selective picking of "eligible" borrowers.
She was the first director-general to be named publicly and was immediately dubbed the "housewife superspy".
In 1992, excavations just outside the stadium unearthed the remains of a large, square, colonnaded building immediately dubbed "the world's oldest locker room."